Mar 31, 2009 23:13
1. I got to meet Susan's boyfriend! He receives good marks all around, with a minor reservation.
Looks: A
Sense of humor: A
Demonstrated geekiness: B+
Tolerance for my silliness and general bad behavior: A+
Tendency to share embarrassing stories about Susan: D-
Seriously. The kid clearly respects her far too much. He wouldn't give us anything to work with. They do seem to like each other an awful lot, though. I had a good time hanging around with them.
2. I also met Lissy's new flame. He seems like the respectable sort; good sense of humor, good taste in people, clearly crazy about Lissy. It was kind of hard to tell, since he wasn't feeling very well and neither was I. I think he was kind of intimidated by me, which is hilarious since he's obviously got her entire family in his pocket. Why worry about the high school friend when you've got Daddy on your side? It seems like he'll have a lot of awesome stories once he's feeling better and loosened up, though.
3. I got to see Sarah and you didn't! I'm pretty sure she hadn't slept in a decade and she was a little further off the deep end than usual, but that's okay because I was sick and cranky after being crammed in a car all day. We met up at that amazing dessert/drinks place in St. Louis and I got a red velvet cake that was kind of like multiple orgasms on a plate, only possibly better. We went back to her place where her crazy (but loveable) roommate bombarded me with pictures of her fashion line and the wedding dress, both of which are pretty fantastic. And in the morning, we went to this miraculous little pancake place and I had to leave Sarah to suffer in her lab. Her boss is clearly a sadist, and I think we should plan a rescue mission. It should involve ice cream and girly movies.
4. The SITA thing didn't work out, so I'm scrambling for a future. I'd really been counting on going to India next semester, but SIX PEOPLE applied for the position. Seriously. Most semesters they have one or two applicants who really didn't have anything better to do with their year. Trudy told me I was the second choice, but there was someone who had relevant experience in the real world, was laid off from a real job, and decided to apply to SITA. So I've joined the ranks of people who have been screwed over by a bum economy.
But that means I've got all sorts of new opportunities to explore! Many of them include unemployment and possible alcoholism! That's a lie. I'm thinking of taking a year of to relax in New Orleans before jumping into any big decisions. I may also teach English abroad next year. Or I might live in New Orleans next year and teach English the year after that. WHO KNOWS WHERE I'LL END UP?!
The way I'm looking at this, I'm one of those lucky bastards who stays on the parents' health insurance until 25. That's, like, a guilt-free ticket to screw around for a couple of years before I settle on a real life. And I've never been one to say no to free shit.
CONCLUSION: Tell me about your plans for the future so I can steal them! Or, so that I can come bum around in your backyard and provide you company, entertainment, and good cooking!
PS: I still suck at commenting, but just know that I read your journals religiously, I miss you to death, and I'm so proud of all the amazing things you've been doing! Also, buck up Susan. You can make it through the week; I have faith in you.