Jun 15, 2006 17:06
Yeah, yeah, I HAD to make that joke. OMG!con (in Paducah, Kentucky) was bundles of fun with a lot of cool peeps and a great staff. It was kinda small, since it was the crew's first year and it on the same weekend as the third largest convention in the U.S, but still worth the trip. One of the funniest things about the whole weekend was whenever Greg Ayres would call up and tease his friends attending A-Kon. Time for bullet-point highlights!
Eating the indiginous food: 3-piece chicken meal from KFC ;-)Tweaking my back no more than 10 minutes before we opened on Friday, so I was in pain and hobbling around all weekend. (I'm fine now, but it was funky.)Hanging out with Greg was awesome and much too rare of an occurance. See you in a month, man!Over the weekend, we had TONS, and I mean suitcases full of trade-ins! I had never processed as many trade-ins as I did this weekend. I'm testing 4+ discs a day to get as many done in time for JAFAX as I can. I have a seperate bin FULL of manga, too...Watching Greg totally punk out a dealer for selling bootlegs. It was hilarious.Becoming fully inspired to create a panel for conventions on avoiding/spotting bootleg products.Seeing pre-release Negima and Speed Grapher episodes. They're awesome! (Personally, I'm buying Speed Grapher for myself. Imagine a kind of cross between Gantz and Texhnolyze. Yeah, I'm pumped for that one!)At Steak n' Shake, watching a fly fall on its back and everyone at the table sadistically watch it squirm and eventually give up. Then watching it float straight up and away after dropping a sugar packet nearby.Seeing the absolute FUNNIEST picture of someone I know...LMAO!!After getting 97 Dragonball Z tapes, stacking them on a table and placing a sign on top saying, "Super Saiyan Sale - $1 per tape!" (It was like a Lord of the Rings movie for anime conventions. The Two Towers, Pocky and DBZ, working together to win money from the otaku hordes.)Lastly, it was nice getting perspectives on JAFAX's handling of their dealers this year. Most rose an eyebrow or two.
I'm excited to see what the crew from Paducah can put together for 2007, and hopefully it works even better than this year!
Now I'm in the process of stockpiling DVDs and snacks for JAFAX, and it's proving a bit harder than I originally figured. This'll be an interesting trip. If you're going and want something that I can't stock for general sale, let me know and I'll be sure to bring it for you.