Apr 01, 2011 15:05
Well, I did it again. Today I officially registered for the Vermont City Marathon - May 29, 2011.
I had forgotten last year's results and some of the race. So I checked my time - 4:17:09 (net). Oh, now I remember. The agony of those cramps at mile 21 came shooting back to me. Last year I was having a pretty good race thru mile 20 and then the cramps struck. My split times tell the story.
Mile 10 > 1:26:55 (8 min, 42 sec pace)
Mile 13.1 > 1:55:36 (8 min 49 sec pace)
Mile 20 > 3:01:42 (9 min 5 sec pace)
Finish 26.2 > 4:17:09 (9 min 49 sec pace)
It took me 76 minutes to "run" the last 6.2 miles. Over the last 6.2 miles, I averaged a pace of 12 min and 12 sec per mile! My leg seized with cramps. At one point I spent a couple of minutes lying on the grass, stretching any muscle that still had some elasticity. Grueling. I guess the strategy this year is to drink gatorade like a fish and avoid the cramps.
Hmm.. maybe I should have reminded myself BEFORE I signed up.