В записи довольно подробно фиксируются ходы
ассоциативного трипа, чтобы иметь себе явный пример для обсуждения
дискурсивного интеллекта.
В среду на прошлой неделе на подходе к крыльцу здания теоротдела зрительная память Наблюдателя зафиксировала такую мизансцену:
Крыско (он обычно туда
выходит покурить) что-то обсуждает с
дроидом Димой Левковым
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G: You all right?
M: Yeah ... m-m ... yeah, I'm fine.
Nothing to see here! Cheers, thank you!
G: You know, you're gonna ..
M: What? Piss in the street? No, I wouldn't do that.
G: That's not what I was ... gonna ... You just looked a bit ...
M: Yeah, I'm just a bit tired. Thank you, bye!
G: It's Mary, isn't it?
M: ???
G: Gabriel.
Rejoice! You're a highly favoured one:
The Lord is with you, blessed are you among women.
Do not be afeared, Mary, for you have found favour with God.
Behold! You will conceive in your womb and bring forth a child.
M: That is quite an unusual child[...].
G: Sorry, what?
M: Ah... I am just ... don't ...
I am not really eager for a relationship right now.
'Cause I just came out of this long [...] thing.
G: This child will be great, and will be called The Child of The Most High.
There will be no end to its Kingdom.
M: I don't ... I don't have any change on me.
G: Rejoice! I bring great news!
M: Oh, shit. Are you going to sexually assault me?
G: What? No! I ... Why would I?
You've been chosen by God, seriously.
(вспышка света)
M: Am I dreaming?
G: No.
M: Am I dead?!
G: No, you are not dead, not at all.
M: I ... don't understand.
G: It's like when Mary got pregnant with Jesus,
she was a virgin, but she still had God's baby.
M: I'm not a virgin!
G: Pardon?
M: Do I look like a virgin?!
G: When did you loose your virginity?
M: I was seventeen.
It was in ... old people's home with my French exchange student Philippe.
Not that any of this is your business!
G: How many people you slept with?
M: I don't know.
G: You don't know?!
M: Well, like a normal amount! Like ... twenty fiveish.
G: Well, look, the point is, you are gonna have God's baby.
M: What?
G: The power of The Most High will overshadow you,
Holly Spirit will come on you
-- yeah, it sounds like a euphemism, but it's not --
and this time it's gonna be a girl.
And her due date will be ... July the 16th.
M: But ... I ... don't want to have a baby. I am too young!
G: How old are you?
M: Thirty three.
G: Sorry, sweetheart,
you're gonna have to have one to save the world,
for the world is indeed going to end, and you shall see the signs.
You will give birth to the Saviour, and She will save us all.
You still look a little bit afeared.
Do not be afeared!
M: (неуверенно кивает)
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