woa... really?

Aug 30, 2006 02:11

So, it JUST hit me the other day that I am a senior. This is the last year of my bachelors degree and the end of a plan that has been in place since for-ev-er. Weird, just really friggin weird. I've never felt this feeling before. When I was a senior in high school, I knew exactly where I'd be at that time next year: enjoying my first year of college. Now... God who knows. I want to go to grad school, but what if I don't get in? Where will I be then? If I do go to grad school, where will that be? What if I decide to take a year off? What am I going to do? Where will I go? Does anybody else just not want to grow up? Come on guys, let's just live with our parents and watch ninja turtles cartoons all day.

:sigh: if only...

Anyway, back to the real world. My God I am gonna be busy this semester. 4 classes (2 of which are going to ask at least 16 pages out of me. each), 1 lab (w/ a huge group project at the end, although it should be a cool one. we'll be going out to streams and lakes and getting samples and stuff like that), 2 field study labs (requiring at least 50 hours each for the whole semester). Not to mention working at least 24 hours a week, studying and taking the GRE's, and applying for grad school. Yeah, I just had to sit back for a second, because I haven't seen it all written out like that before. Fuck.

At least my professors seem enjoyable this semester, especially the one for Asian religions. First off, to get an image of this guy: picture Jeff Goldblum, but Indian. Yes, not kidding. He does not beat around the bush either. First day of classes he explains that he wil not be teaching the regular old 'this is Buddhism, this is Hinduism, etc' type class. Because in his opinion, 'they need to stop teaching bullshit classes like this'. Instead, this class would be about how these 'religions' effect the surrounding cultures and politics and how the west has actually influenced (and in some cases, created) these aspects of Asian culture which we find 'exotic and oriental'. Personally, I couldn't be happier. These are the type of classes that rock; that you can't wait to get to. These are the ones that you remember. Also, another little insight into who this guy is: we go around the class and do the regular spiel (name, major, standing, etc). "You know, tell something about yourself, or not. Doesn't matter, it's not lke I'll care or remember." Man, if I ever teach, I'm gonna start out class the very first day saying the exact same thing.

I have been watching movies like overtime lately. Since I usually only had a couple of hours to spare each weekend, I ended up taking advantage of them and heading out to see anything that was playing that week. A few special ones stood out. Cars was another great product from Pixar; not my favorite from them, but still good. The Decent was intersting, and definietly had me feeling uncomfortably claustrophobic during the tight spots. I FINALLY saw Trainspotting for the first time, and wow. I now understand why some people are crazy over Ewan McGregor. Talledaga Nights was ok, not the best comedy I've seen lately. Beerfest on the other hand was absolutely hilarious. And then, there was Snakes on a Plane. What can I say? I have never been more entertained in a movie theater in my life. It looks like I've got a lot to look forward to this fall as well: Crank, Casino Royale, The Prestige,The Fountain, and THE DEPARTED to name a few.
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