Feb 27, 2006 16:44
I don't know how many times I can say I love to code, and then I say, I HATE CODING! Well I just had a little I HATE CODING moment. I've been working on the week 5 tutorial in Website Design class, the frame stuff...and I think I actually mentioned the crap I was running into with the third fram not being displayed...obviously a user error, cause all my code is a user error. This time I did (framset cols="140, *) The parenthesis being "<" and ">". So can you figure out what I did wrong there...20 LJ points to the person who can figure that out and it's not that hard :)
Worked some at Equus this afternoon. Emilie blew me off as usual. Go bye bye to her. Kirsten was there so that was really nice to see her again. Both her and Emily are back from Stone Leigh which is cool. I cannot wait to see Merlin and Oxford and Whicker and the gang hehe Re-shot some photos for some products, chatted a little and then I came home.
Watched The Chronicles of Naria, or some...up to the part where Lucy gets into the fawn's house...and for some reason I cannot think of his name right now :( Mr. something...??
Doing homework and chatting with Kirsten now...I am in a good mood :)
the boys,
chronicles of narnia,
website design,
equus tack shop,