Crazy Busy!

Dec 13, 2005 17:42

Hrmm, don't know when I last wrote. But yesturday I had a farrier appointment. Mark was only an hour late haha He said it gets even crazier in the Spring time cause that when a lot more horses come back home from like Florida and all. But it was kinda a good thing he was late. Nippet cut up his nose from rubbing or something so I ran back home and got some warmer water and some paper towels and tried to clean that up. Course he was a pain in the ass about. When I got back Beth was there and like 10 minutes after that Mark showed up. So we did his trimming and then I got some Aloe cream or something from Beth and put that, what a pain he was about that. Then I put him back out in his paddock which has now changed. It' even bigger then before and he gets it all to himself! :)

Went to work, nothing all that interesting happened. Troy was back and he got an xBox. Work work work....went home and had Morgan W. help mmod it with me and get a game Troy wanted. Brought it back to Troy around 5:30. Came home...nothing really special happened last night, basically hung with Emilie until like 1am or something and fell asleep.

Today I woke up around 10am and got into work around 10:30am. I worked on xServes for a little. Then I did installs for the res tof the day until about 2:30pm. Came home, the only homework I have left is in Dinosaur class it looks like. Blackboard (the message boards for classes) have been acting up since late last week so I haven't been able to check anything. But yeah, not much work to do, will leave it for later...

Some guy came into #LiveJournal the other day and told me about this tool that allowed you to turn your entire LiveJournal or DeadJournal or whatever other clone into a PDF file or to even print it out into a book format on I actually bought a book about some girl and horse on LuLu some months ago and I remember telling jennylee about it also. I think she was looking for some online publishing sort of thing, I can't remember...anyways, check out It's really cool! I did have trouble exporting my DeadJournal account though. Get this, I manually went through all 300+ entries and exported them in PDF format myself and then use iMergePDF and put them all together. It something like 600+ pages long. All my other journals like scenejournal, keainanhai and jimcisco are about 100-150 pages long...not bad hehe I want to read through them all, it's going to be great haha.

Hrmm, I will probably go riding tomorrow and then I will see Narnia with Sean later in the night, not sure though. I have consulting tomorrow, yay!

pdfs,, movies, hard drives, emilie, deadjournal, sleep, powerbooks, work, small dog, ram, making out, imacs, exporting, powermac g5s, love, small dog electronics, working, kissing, sex, girlfriends, evox, xserves, xbox, ibooks, imerge, xbox media center

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