Dec 02, 2005 12:39
I took today off to do some homework and get most of it finished up. Of course I've done almost next to nothing. I did finish up that stupid group work for vampire class.
I talked to Jamie this morning. Since Emilie broke her tail bone or fractured (getting x-rays as you read this probably) she's sort of out of commission. :( So I might do something with Jamie today, not sure. Sean left me an iChat so I might do something with him, who knows. Might not do anything with anyone at all!
I can see Bruce Lee is getting fatter then he was before. He's doing well I suppose haha Paid my horse board the other day...think I already mentioned that last night though. Hrmm what else...some should buy computer parts and let me build it for them because I am really bored and don't want to do homework lol
Think I might go play some NFS or Zelda...maybe Gun I don't know...I've got my iSight hooked up to my iBook! Might go see Nippet in a little...or i'll sit around and watch Shallow Hal...woot. God, I"M BORED!!! And I shouldn't be because I have like 12 million projects school/non-school to be doing lol