Old Dogs....

Apr 25, 2010 08:26

Had to run Cadence, our 10 year old male GSD/Beagle cross to the vet yesterday. Over the last week he's developed shortness of breath and has lost his appetite. Also had a growth on his neck that has receded.

Anyway. got him to the vet. cadence has lost weight for sure. Down to 80 pounds from his usual 95-100 (his nickname is Pudgy) After listening to him and a pretty though physical exam. the Doc had two theory's. One, Cadence has Cancer and if so might have to be put to sleep soon. The second was that he was in Congestive heart failure.He was defiantly leaning in the direction of the failure though. To try things out, The Doc gave him an injection of Lasix and sent him home. If there wasn't any improvement, we'd go from there.

After having to stop three times on the way home for Cadence to pee (Half hour drive) and him doing it once on the back seat (Doh!) we got him home.

By evening, his breathing was noticeably better and he had more energy. He's now on 80 Mg of Lasix three times a day, Digoxin and a third med. Rose has been medicating him for the most part.

This morning, we got the old Pudgy back. He's bright eyed, breathing much better, has an appetite and is back to being his usual pain in the ass self.

I've lost too many dogs over the years. Cadence has been my pal for six. Rose and I used to Rescue GSD's. Mostly elderly dogs. Three years ago, we trimmed the pack down from a high of ten to three.

Three of those dogs passed away or were put down due to medical problems and age. Duke, our 150 pound Monster lap puppy German Shepherd at age 13, Hansel, the Brave defender of the house (unless there was a thunderstorm. then he was under the bed) at age 13 1/2 and Lady Gretchen who suddenly died in her sleep at the young age of 8.

The rest of the pack we had to put up for adoption because the Landlord only would let us have three dogs. Abbey, Jade, Buddy and Heidi were all placed in new homes by the Local Humane Society. I still Miss Abby. She was a daddy's girl. Got her when she was a puppy (and we thought she was a white shepherd mix)She grew into what we think was a Pit Bull/Husky/Great Dane cross. Figure that one out. That 20 pound puppy turned into 125 pounds of love. She loved everyone. and thought her place to sleep was on my legs at the foot of the bed. She was the first one placed from the shelter due to her personality and play drive. Buddy was the second. He was Chow/Shep/Husky and was very lovable.

Jade and Heidi were the problem children. No matter what we did, they always got into things. I came home one day and found Jade on top of the refrigerator. She was small (about 40 pounds) but made more mess than a pack of hyenas. Heidi was right there with her. They both needed a high energy household to put that energy to some constructive end.

The were both placed eventually but it took a while.

So now, we're down to just Koko, the Alpha of the pack. (not that she acts that way) She's GSD/Malamute. Hope who's a Chow/Belgian Mal. and of course, Cadence.

Koko is ten but still acts like a puppy and we've had her since she was ten months. Hope is 6 and we've had her since she was about five or six months. Hope is the Princess of the household and she knows it.

Anyway.. this post is useless without pictures....




That's all for now...


dogs, vet

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