Cool Shindig and (no) hot water

May 20, 2012 21:45

Headed to Rob and Debs in Concord NH for the semi monthly New England Browncoats Shindig. Spent time around the fire chatting about all and sundry things firefly and scifi in general. Also met Kevin DeCandido, the author of the Serenity novelization. As well as several Buffy Verse/Trek and original Novels. Also met his lovely lady, Wrenn, who brought Italian bread fresh mozzarella and prosciutto direct from NYC's Little Italy.

Got home and the water heater in the house had died. One trip to Lowes and $251 later for a new one and we have hot water again (Thanks to John, Rose's soon to be son in law for installing the new one)

Work's going well with OT most weeks. However that leaves no time for writing (or updating my LJ)

That's all for now.
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