(no subject)

Apr 06, 2008 19:57

So the hunt is over, had a good time I went ahead and marshalled the Hunt part so E. could "break in" his new helmet. I so wanted to smack the crap out of it during the hunt just cause it was shiney and new.(drool, drool ) it was hard to sit and watch, but I had the baby. she enjoyed me carrying her around during the hunt. so she could watch her boyfriend JP fight. E let something in the hunt that was different this year CA, it was a little strange, not really sure how I felt about it. I'll have to think on this and ponder a bit. I really appreciated everyone that came out to fight at the hunt it is a cool event to support.

Every year at least for the last few, I have been running the afternoon tourney, Mich. was gracious enought to watch S so that I could fight I did OK I decided to run a bear pit /winner stays in and retaines wounds etc....
It went good I thoughtit was over seventy fights between 7 people in less than 2 hours I stopped early in the list after I ran the list a couple of times then died then ran a few more.

Every body looked pretty good our 2 newest fighters Sa and A did really well against people they haven't foght before and took thier lumps well and gave them out as well too.

over all a good weekend.

Oh, yeah, Nate called, he isw in NC as of saturday, so yea, no more sandbox and outa harms way.

now for the other 85,000............


Crown next week end.....Same sight, hope it turns out good L is autocrat and I want to see a good event....
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