it's not that it's popular that i'm not into it. i won't even say things like i don't get why people are into it because while i don't 100% GET it (not being into it myself), i can sorta get it from a logical standpoint.
it's nice being a deviant and all but i'm not one of those who decry things just cos they're popular. i even understand that there's appeal in HP...tho exactly WHAT that appeal is escapes me. heh heh. i guess it's all the magic and stuff but i've never been into that so...
but just because i don't get it doesn't mean others, intelligent people like yourself, won't. me, i just go with whatever strikes something in me, regardless of whether it's mainstream or not.
having said that, my tastes still generally don't veer in the direction of pop culture...just the way my senses are built, i spose. intelligence, i don't got a lot of. feelings, quirks and fancies, i got by the truckloads.
music-wise, i've resigned myself to accepting the fact that mainstream american rock's mainly what rocks my senses to the core enough to find out more about the bands themselves and their past works. and not much else. indie, well, if they're good, they'd all make it to mainstream someday and i'll get to hear 'em anyway so i don't see what the problem is. if they don't, well, you can't listen to everything. as for others, including the japanese stuff i've been listening to off and on, might be enough to make me nod my head but won't ever make me feel inclined to dig deeper. and even with american rock, i'm pretty much selective when it comes to them. as you know, i havent' been much into anything since bands like SP and RHCP, and a few others before the post-grunge era that's happening now. in fact, it's the slew of stuff that i've been hearing these days that made my interest in that particular scene took a prolonged leave of absence. But thanks to hoob's new record, i'm opening up a bit more to other more talented bands that are out there now (if anything else does strike my fancy, i'll let you in on it, no worries xD)...
all these talk about rock music, i haven't even mentioned bout my other interest: game OSTs. I'll tell you why. Those, and their respective composers, are another ball game altogether. ^_~
s'been a long while...i feel like i've returned to my roots somehow. heh heh. tho i still DO like anime and manga, it's just that i've grown to become VERY selective with what i read or watch cos with old age comes laziness so if something doesn't stick to me within the first 3 pages or minutes, then it's not worth keeping or pursuing. xD
right now, i really want to go to a hoob concert. hopefully, they'll come my way soon. xxD