Маразм прогрессирует

Nov 30, 2021 21:36

"Дело дошло до того, что мужчин-насильников сажают в женские тюрьмы - если только у негодяев хватает сообразительности объявить себя «трансженщинами». Недавно - в ответ на жалобу заключенной, которая подверглась насилию со стороны такой «сокамерницы» - Верховный суд Англии и Уэльса подтвердил, что запирать женщину в одну камеру с мужчиной-насильником вполне законно".
Судья считает, что избавить настоящих женщин от компании таких "женщин" невозможно. Всего в женских тюрьмах Англии и Уэльса в 2019 году сидело 34 трансгендерных насильника.
"A female former inmate, who claims she was sexually assaulted by a transgender women prisoner with a gender recognition certificate (GRC) while in HMP Bronzefield in 2017, asked judges to declare the justice secretary’s policies on the care and management of trans prisoners in England and Wales to be unlawful.
The claimant, known only as FDJ, argued her human rights were violated by having to be in the same prison as transgender women prisoners with convictions for sexual or violent offences against women.
In a judgment handed down on Friday, Lord Justice Holroyde, sitting with Mr Justice Swift, dismissed the claim. He acknowledged the “fear and anxiety” some female inmates would suffer if a transgender inmate was in the same jail, but said existing policies should mitigate this.
“The difficulty which the claimant faces, in my view, is that it is not possible to argue that the defendant should have excluded from women’s prisons all transgender women,” he wrote...
The court heard that in 2019 there were 163 transgender prisoners in England and Wales, 81 of whom had been convicted of one or more sexual offences. Of the 163, 34 were held in women’s prisons.
Between 2016 and 2019, a total of 97 sexual assaults were recorded in women’s prisons, of which seven appeared to be committed by transgender prisoners without a GRC. It is not known whether any were committed by transgender women with a GRC but the number of transgender prisoners with a GRC across all jails is thought to be in single figures".
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