Gone, Baby Gone

Oct 29, 2007 00:14

Got away from the mom's today by visiting with the daddoo and the deb. Took them to see the Affleck flick, "Gone, Baby Gone" and was not disappointed. Without giving too much away, the film is all about choosing to do the right thing even when your options are all equally valid or invalid. not the lesser of two evils necessarily, just the more livable of regrets should the worst occur.

I think in life we all need to face this at some point if we practice to be good and moral humans. We define our own identities by our relations with and to each other, so by that we have to make a series of decisions that vary wildly from easy to hard to unknown outcomes. "Do I go with the boring safe guy that I can bring home to mom or the cute bad-boy that will piss off my dad?" "Do I vote for the candidate who has no chance that I agree most with or do I support my registered party candidate?" "Do I fight a war I don't believe in or go against my own morals to evade my sworn duty to my country?" The list is as infinite as the entire history of human emotion and free will.

I personally have always opted for any third option available, if only out of impertinence at the ultimatum fate seemingly dealt my way. My motto has been "I Shall Either Find a Way, Or Make One" for years. I thought I was being clever. I thought that was what strength was. I thought I could always just get away with having my cake and somebody else's too.
I was dead wrong.

I have never seen a better example of the very meaning of Temperance or Justice than I did today in that fucking movie. And all I thought throughout was, "I want to be Casey Affleck when I grow up."

balance, truth, movies, neutral

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