Mar 08, 2005 00:16
"True friends walk in when the rest of the world walks out."'s official...I have not gone a day without laughing since we left for spring break in Allentown! lol. We danced the whole way to lost a little...sang a bunch, and I haven't stopped smiling since. You know that feeling when you just realize that things in your life need to change, and it's definitely not always the easy decision, and sometimes it takes a lot of courage to break free from what's farmiliar....but you just have to. And, you know what? Since I've done it...I just feel like this big weight has been lifted off my chest. I realized I knew what I had to do all along, it was just getting up the strength to actually be able to go through with it. I know now the people who matter in my life, and the people who know me best, are the people who I should value. They know who I am...everyone else doesn't really matter. These are the people who have been here through it all, and still come back at the end of the day. I've realized that I've been chasing after something that didn't have that stability. And, I'm really okay with that. I know what all of you are thinking..."she can't be over it this fast...she needs time to figure things out. It hasn't registered yet." But, the truth is, it's been registered for a was the action that needed processing, not the thought.
It sucks sometimes when you feel like people have gotten false impressions of you. It can overcome your every thought process to correct that image in someone else's mind..but at the end of the day...the only person that you have to answer to is yourself. I know who I am. I like who I am. There are experiences you go through in life where you just can't correct yourself...and it sucks. It sucks to accept that you screwed sucks to accept that you can't do it over...and it sucks to realize you can't erase or fix it. But, usually it's these times in life you get to re-evaluate everything. Life is giving you a chance to start over. It's setting you up with experiences/people that are going to be better for you, and help you grow. It's almost like pass a grade and you move on to the next one. You learn a lesson, and then you get tested on it. This was the test....maybe you passed, maybe you failed, but you learned something either way. And, you always get the chance to do things over. It may not be with the same people, or in the same circumstance, but situations present themselves again. This time, I'm ready for them. I'm lucky enough that this is one of those times in my life where I'm able to start over. I'm doing it right this time. Some people from my past have stuck around to see me change, others are moving on, and facing new situations. Regardless, I am lucky to have all of them in my life, because they've each made up a little piece of what makes me who I there are either one of two things left to say here:
thanks for sticking around...& we'll wish for only the best from here on out! :P
best of luck with your "new beginnings"...and thank you for your piece of me.