Return of the Super Squeak

Feb 23, 2015 13:26

Back when my godson was just a little baby, instead of the big-boy-underpants-wearing, articulate, mobile child he is today, his mother, my best friend, got in the habit of calling him Squeaky Mouse, because...he squeaked a lot and reminded her of the cats' beloved mouse toys that also squeaked a lot.

One day, we all--she, her husband, and I--sat down to dinner. She had put my godson in the playpen, and he was protesting his exclusion from the dining festivities quite passionately.

Without thinking about it, she looked over at him and said affectionately and, unconsciously, right on tempo, "You're a very squeaky boy."

At which point I giggled, she and I locked eyes and I said "The kind who squeaks at his own mother?"

And Squeaky Mouse became the Super Squeak there and then. I spent a lot of time working out lyrics, and then forgot most of them as he stopped squeaking and started speaking.

Now my godson has a lovely, pudgy, angry baby sister, who is if anything even squeakier than he was at that age--she is just over a week old. It's the return of the Super Squeak!

She's a very squeaky girl,
The kind who squeaks at her own mother.
She will never let you put her down,
Once you get her out of the crib

(That girl's a super squeak)

She likes to chew on her own hand,
She squeaks unless you hold her.

And so on.
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