An update

Oct 19, 2020 17:34

Long time, no post.  Just wanted to leave a note here yo say that I've finally decided it's time to stop renewing my web hosting account.  It would have been 20 years this winter, but for some reason the account expires Oct 22, so doesn't quite make a nice even number, but still... crazy.  25 years old then, 45 now!

In case anyone is going to miss ( Read more... )

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kats_meow October 23 2020, 18:05:58 UTC
Hi! You have no idea who I am, but I just wanted to reach out and say that your database was used daily by a LOT of people and was pretty much beloved. It's going to leave a huge hole in the fandom - which, no harm, no foul. Yes, the "fandom" is still active, even though the shows are long, long over. And holding on to those last pieces of it may seem sad and pathetic, but I'm also the type of person that likes to save old architecture, too. And I totally understand wanting to wipe your identity from the Internet (which, heh, isn't that easy to do, but I admire the attempt!). I hope people gave you the love and accolades that you wanted for all the years you had it up and running, and if not, may I try to make up for that now :) You did GREAT. You put in HUGE EFFORT. You provided a WONDERFUL and NEEDED resource.

All that said, I'm an amateur coder who knows enough to be dangerous - and I have friends who are more experienced than me who would love to take on such a project. Would there be any way at all that you would provide JUST the dialogue breakdowns (web files) from each of the seasons of Buffy and Angel so we could recreate that part of the site? NOTHING would have your name on it or be in any way related to you. PLEASE. 2020 has been the biggest bitch of life ever and losing this site is just another hit.

While I appreciate the downloadable file so much, I hope you know that it would be an everliving nightmare to try to convert that to a working site. SO please, if you could share any of the work you did and not let it disappear into the void, there would be so many of us who would be so grateful - pretty much indebted, actually.


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