My master muffin recipe, in a web form

Nov 03, 2012 19:29

I know, I know, I never post anymore. But suddenly I realized I have been up to something some of you might be interested in, so I present:

The Muffinator.

Basically I took the base muffin recipe that I've been using for years and turned it into a web form allowing you to generate (get it, Muffin(gener)ator? okay, a little weak, but I still like it!) a custom recipe based on what version you want to make today. Also you can do do a test batch, then come back to a bookmark of your settings and up the quantity to make it in quantity without any of that pesky math.

Since I launched it a few weeks ago, every time I make a new batch of something, I take a picture and upload it to flickr.

(more info here along with the cool flash-based photo album that livejournal is not letting me put here where I wanted it)

So, if you're interested, have a look. I'm calling it "beta" because I haven't gotten any feedback but my own as to how well the code is behaving, but I think it's pretty much there.
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