Nov 03, 2008 23:10
Okay.. I'm not a writer, sometimes I barely think, the points I make are sometimes rather dim but..
Why I am voting for Barack Obama tomorrow:
1. I believe I am my brothers keeper. I believe that everyone in this country has the right to opportunity, life, liberty and happiness. I will gladly pay more taxes to know that my fellow country-men are taken care of and to know programs are in place to help me and people less fortunate than myself. "Spreading the wealth" is NOT socialism. It is watching out for our neighbor and that is the American way.
2. I am a second generation American. My family came to this country fleeing WWI in Europe in hopes of a better life. I was taught by my Grandfather that if you work hard enough anything in this country is possible. My grandfather had the equivalent of an 8th grade education, in his life he owned TWO homes by working hard his whole life and was able to send my mother to college. She was the first person in our family to have an advanced degree. As I have grown older, and the harder I have worked, I'm starting to believe that this is not possible and that the American Dream is dying. I know that I will be the first generation of my family that is NOT better off than my parents. Barack Obama is a vote for the American Dream. He IS the American Dream. He's the perfect example that anything is possible.
3. I believe preemptive war is WRONG.
4. I think abortion is barbaric. I struggle with my opinions on this a lot. I could never make that decision for myself. I do not look down upon those that do not share my beliefs. All options to deal with an unwanted pregnancy should be made available to all women. It's not my decision to make for someone else. Taking away this right will pave the way for other rights of women to be taken away and it would cause a health and social catastrophe on many levels. Government should be there to help people, not to be all up in people's vaginas. On that note, I do not think a woman who's benefiting from feminism should be allowed to take away women's rights or should be voted in as our VP. She does not represent women and a vote for her is a disgrace and a slap in the face of our mothers, aunts, grandmothers and great-grandmothers who fought to afford us the freedoms they did not have.
5. I believe that all health care should be socialized (which is still a far cry from Obama's health plan). I do not believe health and financial well being should be tied to one another. I do not think that sick people should have to fight with their insurance companies. I do not believe people should have to die due to lack of care so a company can meet it's bottom line. The sick should be treated, regardless of social or economic class without fear of bills, losing their home, or worry about getting the proper care should they be faced with a life threatening witness
6. The Economy.. seriously dudes, WTF? I didn't even know until about a month ago money is essentially made out of thin air. What I know about the economy I learned from Ira Glass and what I found out scared the shit out of me.
7. I think everyone should have a right to higher education. I was not able to get the loans I needed to attend a good school. I worked 40 hours a week while going to fashion school full time to be able to afford it. I didn't sleep for 2 years and my focus was shaky at best. My boyfriend and friends are all mortgaging off their futures for graduate degrees because of their inability to find jobs with their undergraduate degrees. Some of which will never own homes because of the massive amounts of debt they're taking on.
8. Unless you make over 200,000.00 a year, Republican politicians do not give a fuck about you. Period.
9. I love me some gays! I think everyone should have the right to love who they want to and have all the same rights and perks straight marry folk have. Besides, their weddings (when they do finally get them) will be WAAY more fabulous.
10. Barack Obama is African American! A vote for him is a vote for civil rights! He's paving the way for other people of color, women, and children that dare to dream that someday, they could be president too!
11. He will put creditability back into America on the world stage. He's the choice of the international community.
12. He's sincere and truly cares about us. I feel with every fiber of my being he MUST be president. I truly believe that he has the ability to be the greatest president since JFK or FDR. I invested a lot of time for the Democratic National Party for the first presidential race of my adulthood in for the Gore/Bush race of 2000 and after Bush stole the election I felt cheated. I haven't cared much since either. He inspires, motivates, and I have never in my life seen a politician like him. I have never been so emotionally invested in a candidate. He MUST win.
13. I do not want to be faced with the prospect of trying to immigrate to Canada. I'll have to marry a Canadian and everyone knows they're too bland and polite. Canada should be America's hat again! Not better than us, like they are now. We need to put Canada back in it's place!
14. I want to be proud of my country again.