short and sweet

Sep 04, 2005 14:00

yeah i finally moved to santa cruz, well i've been here for a little more than three weeks, if anyone didnt know. plus my hair is brown now, it's been for awhile but i already want to dye it some other color. i got my california license and well i still need a car.
i'm taking art courses at cabrillo college and trying to find a job at a bakery. my kitties have fleas and i'm around my family way too much. i got a chance to hang out with the wonderful bianca and amelia but bianca's back at school already, she said i could come visit though. oh and on the same day i met ian, my penpal, finally. it was his birthday party and he was really nice.

i've been watching too much reality tattoo television and want a tattoo of this

cigarettes are a lot cheaper here but i've hardly had a chance to smoke. last night i snuck a cigarette outside and smoked next to a window that i thought would be closed. haha yeah.
i miss everyone terribly from new jersey too much, i heard the new upholstery album is donnne. we were able to record everything right before i left with joe from stuffed animals. stina said that copies would be out in a couple of weeks. whoaa.
but yeah i've been lonely and biking everywhere and trying to find the best falafel place. my sister is no fun and wears shirts with sayings like "idaho, no uhado" and rats me out about everything. whatever i just need to make some money so i dont have to depend on my parents anymore.
there's still boxes everywhere and i just need to get use to this move.

i want my terrible honda back and everyone filling my car up all the time.

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