Apr 18, 2005 01:57
Hmmm. It seems like everyday that I'm plagued with all these decisions. It's not the choices where a happy outcome can happen like, "Do you want to go shopping or get your hair done?"; rather, it's "Do you feel like going to Kelly or do you feel like going to Gerstein?" or "Do you want to study statistics or do want to study social psychology?" AGH! Honestly, I'm coming to the point where I just want to do absolutely nothing and sleep. I feel like this caged rat on this set schedule, and everyone else is on it too, so you feel compelled to keep on studying and studying.
I don't think that I've actually been doing that much work. I don't know. I've come to the point where I know that it's the end of the year, and even if I screw up, it's the end of the year, so who cares. I want to care though. I want to get good marks, but I'm at the point where I'm just exhausted from reading and cramming stupid information into my head.
19 more days...