&everything you never wanted to know

Oct 01, 2025 15:31

"i cant wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these games"

Name ♪ Eri
Age ♪ 24
Gender ♪ Girl
From ♪ Alberta, Canada

Likes ♪ Sweets and cute things
Dislikes ♪ Douchebags and smoking

Dual Special Attack ♪ The Glam Slam, performed w/chikky

plurkstupid drawings

About ♪ Hi, I'm Eri!! I already said that above, but w/e. My real name is Tori, but I don't really use it at all in internet conversation; I also have a few older net handles that I don't mind if people still use. Basically I don't mind what you call me.

I have a lot of RL responsibilities, and I have days where I feel like I want to throw them all away and just do fun things all the time. Then, I remember that I'm "old" now and nobody's supporting me but myself, and to be honest it's a little disheartening. Basically, I feel like a kid stuck in an adult's body, but I guess it's something that comes with growing up that I just have to deal with. I wish I was more ready for it sometimes.

Aside from RL, my free time pretty much goes into three things: drawing, RP and video games. I'm also a mod over at colors_tcg, which is an anime and manga-based online "trading card" game, and another fabulous way of killing time! I'm a pretty ambitious person and there's probably too much I enjoy doing, but at least there's usually something for me to do if I get bored.

Overall, I'm basically friendly and tolerable unless you give me a REALLY good reason not to be. I keep my mind open and it's pretty difficult (or impossible) to offend me or scare me off. I judge people based on how they treat me and the people I love, and that sort of attitude has always just been natural for me.

tl;dr I'm laid back, artistically ambitious, immature at the best of times and a pretty awesome bro!

Fandom ♪ Right now, I am basically into Durarara!! and Homestuck, with a lot of other fandoms on the side. The most important ones are Persona 3/4, Tales Of series games, Pokemon, Yume Nikki, and a handful of other video games and anime that would take me forever to list lmao :'D

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