Lys likes blog crews.

Oct 15, 2007 16:51


...Oooh, look, my post has FORMATTING. 8D

Anyway, like I said~ This is a blogcrew for the anime series Romeo x Juliet. Because... I've never seen one, and that series rly doesn't get enough love. I blame this on gurren lagann and lucky star airing at the same time. Nothing against them, but MAN their popularity sure overshadowed everything else D:

So, in case you don't know what this is, you pretty much just claim a character from the series, and post the code in your userinfo or wherever to show who you are~

♣ One character per person, first come first serve.
♣ No changing your character.
♣ No "alternate" versions of characters; Juliet is just Juliet, Odin and the Red Whirlwind cannot also be claimed.
♣ Take the code below. Replace "character name" with your character's name, of course.

[ Romeo x Juliet |">CHARACTER NAME ]

♠ Romeo - divine_sage
♠ Juliet - lysberries
♠ Cordelia - hydraphoenix
♠ Francisco - sour_tangerine
♠ Curio - pomegranatedeux
♠ Antonio - griffin_khan
♠ Tybalt - dtn
♠ Mercutio - adora_tan
♠ Benvolio - fathobbit1191
♠ Hermione - sjounouchi
♠ Portia - aur0ra_is_here
♠ Ophelia - bwahahachick
♠ Willy - chikky2k5