(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 11:39

Are zombies funny? Yes, they are, and I am just learning that.

I should have got the hint when I read Christopher Moore's The stupidest Angel, but, I promptly forgot about hunting for funny zombies. For it seemed that there isn't any fact which brims with more obviousness than that Zombies would always be there just to be shot, stabbed, chopped or sawed in imaginative ways.

But now, with Seth Grahame-Smith authored Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and the Zombie comedy movie, Zombieland, funny zombies are everywhere.

Edit:12:36 on 10-Mar-2010
And yes, the Zombie papers.
Robert Smith?, A report on the zombie outbreak of 2009: how mathematics can save us (no, really).
Philip Munz1, Ioan Hudea1y, Joe Imad2z, Robert J. Smith?, When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modelling of an outbreak of Zombie Infection

Other resource:
Max Brooks, The Zombie survival guide
Michael P. Spradlin, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Zombies: A Book of Zombie Christmas Carols
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