(no subject)

May 15, 2010 12:55

Humans are rare in having prominent female breasts. I think it was in the "Naked Ape" that I first read Desmond Morris suggestion that breasts mimicked the buttocks as humans walked straight and changed the way they copulate. According to his framework, breasts were primarily sexual signaling devices. Of course, Desmond Morris has been accused of story telling without any evidence, and will eventually get knocked on his head for his labor.

Nor does he manage to explain the point made: why in the absence of European morality, in a number of places across the world, an uncovered breast was not an aberration attracting undue attention.

Nor, do we have any way to explain why now in parts of the west, an unadorned breast doesn't necessarily signal anything; while on a recent visit to a beach in Goa I read a sign board informing me the law wouldn't look kindly upon breasts being exposed to the sun and the sand.

The truth is that I do not understand, nor have the will to investigate.

Most of the time, it is involuntary: just about not being able to tear off your eyes, and just sitting there gaping.

[This was leading somewhere, I just forgot where...]

[west civil kerela. would there have been this obsession with breasts without this education]

[more victorian than the victorians]

[what exactly were the norms - is art that survives an appropriate guide]

[what about the movies that get made ~ kama sutra, The cloud door]

[what about the portrayal in the west. Cashback - 100 girls. Cool casual nudity]

[what about Indian serial - do they portray the right image - afgan ban etc.]

[what were the norms again.]


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