May 12, 2004 20:08
hello. shelby here. colby's doing her "homework". or whatever. anyways we had to do our project but we only did that for like 5 min. we went to wendy's!! and had a tomato fight! we were sitting by the bathrooms and this old lady comes out and is like rubbing her ass!! lmao it was so funny and then she dropped her water and she was like "uh oh i made a splash!" me and colby just started laughing her dad got mad at us though. we ate salads. woohoo. god damn colby's making me sit on the floor. urgh my ass hurts. anyways. Aaron's being an ass still. he won't even talk to me. :( i miss him so much...i found out jennifer likes him and they always flirt on the bus...she's one of my best friends and i'm afraid to tell her that i still like him. after school jen was by him and she was like look shelby and she walked up to aaron and i just walked off. i want to hate him but i can't. it sucks. i saw him on the bus too he just kind of looked over the seat at me but i acted like i didn't care even though i did... anyways nuf about him. eeewwww. Victor asked me out after school. grody. i mean he's like my friend and all but that's just nasty...leonard and colby are now talking. but i still hate him. he's an ass. oh hahaha me, katie, hunter, kevin, and alyssa were hanging out between classes and i wrotehunter a letter saying he was hot or whatever even though he's going out with katie but anyways now kevin's all mad at me. i was trying to talk to him and he was like "what? what was that? you wanna fuck hunter? what?" it was funny though. he's a freak. like one time we were hanging out in the band hall...i don't know why but we were. and he was like "you tarzan me jane " right he's really weird. he acts like a rapist though but he's cool. me and evelyn were making fun of victoria like she pushed me in the hall and evelyn was like "holly shit a lesbo was hitting on you shelby!! nasty!! Victoria...i'm sorry you feel this way about us but one little thing for you...we're not lesbos!!" it was so funny. she gave me a dirty look at lunch and i was like "i kow i am hot but please contian yourself!!" she's such a lesbo. holly shit i wrote a lot. god i am so damn bored. well my mommy or daddy is coming to get me. so i got to go. BUH-BYE!!!!
I think i love Aaron...