It's very cute. Now that it's getting colder outside, the mice/voles are coming inside. The cat has spent the last two days camping in the kitchen waiting for them to make a mistake. We'll see who wins the kitty vs mouse war this year. Last year kitty won. One morning she left us a vole present next to the dining table.
Now for the Thanksgiving shopping. Or more to the point, poor
phawkwood gets dragged all over the store so he can lift things into the shopping cart and schlep the bags inside the house for me. He's so awesome. I was stupid last week and lifted something over my weight restriction and hurt myself. Lesson learned, behaving now.
The menu so far looks like the traditional turkey and bread stuffing, nut stuffing and vegan gluten-free turkey roast, corn, green beans, potatoes, beets, Gluten-Free Vegan rolls, vegan gluten-free 3 layer lemon cake, and vegan gluten-free fruit cake.
We'll have lots of left overs.