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Paul Begala, another veteran of the Clinton administration, put it more bluntly: "He's got this big old pair of brass balls, and you can just hear 'em clanking when he walks down the halls of Congress. The Democratic Party is full of Rhodes scholars - Rahm is a road warrior."
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Profile: Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's new enforcer
Barack Obama may be on course to be one of the most loved presidents in US history, but as his 18th Century predecessor John Adams once observed, it is on fear, not love, that most successful governments are founded.
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Last Updated: 9:50PM GMT 06 Nov 2008
With that in mind, President-elect Obama had a shortlist of one when it came to choosing his White House Chief of Staff; Rahm Emanuel, a politician so ferocious that even his own mother calls him by his nickname of "Rahmbo".
If the Democratic Congressman accepts the job as Mr Obama's enforcer, Mr Emanuel, universally characterised as a foul-mouthed attack dog who can end the career of anyone who stands in his way, will serve as a perfect counterpoint to the sugar-coated Mr Obama.
Mr Emanuel, 48, who served as an aide to President Clinton, has proved in the past that he bows to no-one when it comes to getting the job done, as Tony Blair discovered when he visited the White House at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998.
As he prepared for a public appearance with the president, Mr Blair was warned by Mr Emanuel: "This is important. Don't **** it up."
Mr Emanuel, who represents Mr Obama's home town of Chicago in the House of Representatives, was valued by President Clinton for his ability to pull off the seemingly impossible, such as forcing through the ban on assault weapons, through his sheer force of character.
"Clinton loved Rahm," one former colleague recalled, "because he knew that if he asked Rahm to do something, he would move Heaven and Earth - not necessarily in that order - to get it done."
Paul Begala, another veteran of the Clinton administration, put it more bluntly: "He's got this big old pair of brass balls, and you can just hear 'em clanking when he walks down the halls of Congress. The Democratic Party is full of Rhodes scholars - Rahm is a road warrior."
One story, more than any other, sums up the intensity, loyalty and, at times, downright nastiness upon which Mr Emanuel's reputation is built.
At a dinner to celebrate President Clinton's first election victory, Mr Emanuel began to name those who he believed had earned his enmity. As he listed the names of those he saw as traitors, he grabbed a steak knife, stood up and began plunging the knife into the table and shouting "Dead! Dead! Dead!" after each name.
"When he was done, the table looked like a lunar landscape," one witness recalled. "It was like something out of The Godfather. But that's Rahm for you."
Nor was this an isolated incident - one pollster who fell out with Mr Emanuel received a rotting fish in the post as a warning not to cross him again.
Mr Emanuel's mother, Marsha, a retired hospital technician, believes his extraordinary drive and determination to succeed is the result of a childhood accident in which he almost lost his life.
Whilst working part-time in a fast-food restaurant, Mr Emanuel badly cut the middle finger of his right hand in a meat-slicing machine. The wound became badly infected and as he lay in hospital with a dangerously high temperature his parents were warned that antibiotics might not be enough to save him from blood poisoning. He survived after the top half of his finger was amputated.
"That was a big turning point in Rahm's life," said his mother. "It was touch-and-go, and finally when he came out of it he was more serious. I honestly think that was his existential moment of near-death and realising that you have to do something with life."
Chicago-born Mr Emanuel, the son of a paediatrician, was brought up as a devout Jew, and has such religious conviction that he recently secured a special waiver from his rabbi to work through Rosh Hashanah during negotiations over the $800 billion banking bail-out.
Had he not become a politician, the athletic Mr Emanuel could have been a professional dancer; he trained in ballet at school and was talented enough to be offered a scholarship to the world-renowned Joffrey Ballet company. However, he turned it down in favour of studying the dance style at Sarah Lawrence College, a liberal arts institution in New York.
Whilst studying there he joined the team for the congressional campaign of fellow Chicagoan David Robertson. Via a master's degree in speech and communication at Northwestern University in 1985, he went on to work for several other Democratic campaigns, culminating in a role as chief fundraiser in Richard Daley's successful campaign for Mayor of Chicago in 1989.
He took a break from politics during the 1991 Gulf War, volunteering as a civilian mechanic on an army base in Israel. It was on his return that he joined the presidential primary campaign of Bill Clinton, then the Governor of Arkansas. It was to prove the move that launched his national political career.
Mr Emanuel became Mr Clinton's chief fundraiser, a role in which he gained a fearsome name for extracting exactly what he wanted from wealthy donors. He collected enough money for the campaign to ride out several potentially damaging scandals. The president later said of his money man: "I doubt we could have done it without him."
The writers of the TV series The West Wing used Mr Emanuel as the inspiration for the fictional Deputy Chief of Staff, Josh Lyman, earning Mr Emanuel the privilege of a cameo role as a restaurant diner in one episode.
Following the messy end to the Clinton presidency, Mr Emanuel went into investment banking, reportedly earning $18 million (£11million) in his three years as managing director of Dresdner Kleinwort.
However, the temptation to return to politics proved too great. This time, Mr Emanuel ran for office himself, and was elected to the House of Representatives in 2002. "I didn't come here to win a popularity contest," he said at the time, in response to questions about his combative style.
After returning to Capitol Hill, Mr Emanuel forged a close friendship with David Axelrod, who went on to become Mr Obama's chief election strategist and undoubtedly recommended him for the job which would make him Mr Obama's eyes and ears in Washington.
Once in Congress, he made a swift return to the top of the Democratic establishment, and was named the Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - which recruits candidates and raises funds - in 2005. He was praised for his role in orchestrating significant success for the party in the 2006 elections, in which it gained 30 seats in the House, securing control for the first time in 12 years.
He did so by ruthlessly pursuing Republicans he saw as vulnerable, contacting their local newspapers to highlight any controversial votes or decisions and tailoring specific campaigns to play on any perceived weakness in opponents.
Campaign staff would be expected to work just as relentlessly as Mr Emanuel to achieve results. Jose Cerda, who worked with Mr Emanuel, said:
"We joke that someone should open a special trauma ward in Washington for people who've worked for Rahm."
The Republican Congressman Christopher Shays gave a flavour of what it is like to be caught in Mr Emanuel's sights when he heard the Democrat was planning to spend $3 million on a campaign to oust him. He jokingly told Mr Emanuel: "I'll tell you what. Just give me the $3 million, and I'll retire voluntarily."
Ray LaHood, a Republican Representative from Illinois, said at the time: "He legitimately can be called the golden boy of the Democratic Party today. He recruited the right candidates, found the money and funded them, and provided issues for them. Rahm did what no one else could do."
Mr Emanuel, as chairman of the Democratic Caucus, is the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives, and would be in line to replace Nancy Pelosi as majority leader if he stayed on in the job.
But it would take all of his legendary willpower to resist the lure of becoming Mr Obama's right-hand man.