
Oct 24, 2005 23:48

Well well well, we come to hurdle #1 in me making this year better than last year: my first set of midterms.

Have them tuesday and wednesday this week, the on on tuesday at 10am and thus in less than 12 hours now. I have yet to do well on a midterm or exam at university and as such despite studying extensively for it, I do not at all feel confident about it.

Hrm, oh well, guess we'll see what happens tomorrow =/ Hopefully I'll get a good mark on it. I get the feeling that once I'm able to well on one midterm, everything else will flow from that. Anyway it's worth 25% of the final mark, so I would like to get at least a B on the thing. I would be extremely happy with any mark that's a B or higher.

Here's hopin...
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