Mar 12, 2005 00:55
Sooooo, I played my first full game of blood bowl recently. Fun game that and one that I could easily get addicted to. Haha on the last turn when it was quite obvious I was not going to win I got 3 of my players kicked out of the game for flagrant fouling on Dan's fallen over players.....ahhhhh dirty-handed play is so fun.
I think I'm going to get some green dice....damn I'm such a nerd. I think Dan and I are going to start a league sometime soon as well....
Between work, Sion Station and blood bowl, summer's going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.
Now to just get through this year. I barely passed my last physics midterm, but in doing so I put myself like 12% above the average. So in a weird way, I'm actually proud of myself, since if I average out my three midterms, my midterm mark is around the average now. Combine this with my lab mark which is way above average and my problem sets/tutorial participation with are probably at/slightly below average and an above average showing on the final will mean that I'll have a mark, while probably not too great, will be one that I can be relieved about getting.
Next big midterm coming up is the universal makeup calculus test on the 28th, which I should start studying for soon...perhaps....meh.