May 10, 2005 22:03
So... it has been suggested by me Mum that we should have a big party up here at my place. It will DEFINITELY have to be a Friday night, because as far as I know we can't have anyone spending the night Sunday nights because of parental reasons.
The plan would be to have everyone come over during the day on Friday and we all make a big meal (more than likely something easy like spagetti, but we'll work that out later). Then slayage of D&D on the big dining room table because it can fit all of us, or if we wanna be comfy we can rearrange furniture. Then snuggles and sleepage for the night. We'll have to work out just how many more beds we'll need. Then a nice brakfast in the morning followed by (weather permitting) a pool party. ^_^
The question is: which Friday/Saturday would be good for everyone? Keep in mind that if I move back before the party we can still have it here. If it turns out that we just can't get all the D&D players together, we can still bring other games to entertain us. We'll figure it out.
Let's set a date and then we'll plan from there. ^_^