The Little Zen Calendar Catch-Up Post #6

Jul 24, 2002 22:44

Sunday, June 30th

In my shop I handle all kinds of
merchandise. If someone comes
looking for rat shit, I'll sell him rat
shit. If someone comes looking for
gold, I'll sell him pure gold.

~ Yang-Shan

Monday, July 1st

An old monk wrote the Chinese ideograph
for "mind" on the gate, window, and wall of
his little house. Fa-yen thought it wrong and
said, "The gate must have the character for
'gate,' and the window and the wall each its own
Hsuan-chueh said, "The gate shows itself
without a letter, and so too the wall and

~ Zen Koan

Tuesday, July 2nd

Mustard blossoms!
there is nothing left
to hurl away.

~ Soen Nakagawa's Death Poem

Wednesday, July 3rd

So what is time? If no one asks me,
I konw: if I want to explain it to a person
who asks, I do not know anymore and yet
I affirm with certainty that, had nothing
passed, there would not be past time - had
nothing happened there would not be future
time, had nothing existed, there would not
be present time.

~ Saint Augustine

Thursday, July 4th

The day is coming
when a single carrot,
freshly observed, will
set off a revolution.

~ Paul Cezanne

Friday, July 5th

Do not cling to good,
Do not reject evil!
Purity and defilement -
If you depend on neither,
You will grasp the empty
nature of sin.

~ Ma-Tsu

Saturday, July 6th

Wherever you are
is the entry point.

~ Kabir
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