Chicken Pictures

Mar 08, 2009 17:03

Here are four of our chickens. There are two more Nancys but they look just like these two. We gave up trying to tell them apart and named them all Nancy (after Nancy Drew.)

Houdini is a bantam which is why she's so much smaller. It's also why the other chickens pick on her (Stephanie mostly, she's the last hen from the previous flock. She has issues.) Or it might be Houdini's wacky beard that makes her the target of ridicule in the chicken yard.

You can kind of see it in this picture:

She looks a bit like The Lorax.

There's been some debate in my house about whether she's an Araucana or not. I can't remember what C. said he thought she was but he was wrong. She's just proved me right by laying the cutest little blue egg.


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