www.songmeanings.net I've been wishing for a website like this for a long time. Not only does it list the lyrics of the song, but it also allows people (maybe even the artist, but I doubt they'd bother) to leave comments as to what they think the song is about. As with any "open source" type thing, some of it's priceless, and some of it's crap. If a song means anything to me, I'll usually mull it over for a long long time, and eventually figure out what it means to me, and be done with it. Some stuff, though, is just too vague (or I'm too dense) to figure out to my own satisfaction. That's where this website comes in, I think... Cleared up what Ben Folds Five's "Brick" is about, finally... :(
In other news, I get to go do lighting work at the High Museum today... Never been there before. I'm gonna try to bum around a bit after we're done and mebbe see some cool artwork.