
Nov 01, 2011 19:02

Finally, living just a few hours by train from this city, we visited it on October 30-31, 2011.
The weather was not so perfect as it could be, but thanks God no rain.
This trip left more negative impressions that positive. First, the service is not friendly at all, you are treated without any welcomeness or even smile, you feel being giving a trouble to the service you came to. And it is not an exceptional case, with us it was everywhere. Second, in the street a lot of people, and I don’t know why almost every woman, have very gloomy faces, even wicked faces. It is very strange pictures and very uncomfortable filling. And third, except of the touristic centre of the city, the city is pretty dirty with a lot of graffitis on the buildings. But however, it is only my impressions, and yours could be different one.
Some picture bellow with some comments or without :-)

The train we took

The first place we have visited - DUOMO. More in detail here,_Milan

Details of DUOMO

At the place of DUOMO

Architecture of the centre

Castle Sfolza (

Some others

Old tram inside, with wood benches


Modern city


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