So I've been re-reading old journal posts, like I seem to do periodically.
And a post that I wrote at the end of 2011 about "what I want to accomplish in 2012" mentioned a bunch of things, almost all of which have not yet been accomplished. Except for one: "Record an audio book of one of my mom's novels."
I did that during the month of December, 2012, just under the wire. I notice that I didn't mention that at all here. I recorded the audio book as a series of podcasts, one chapter in each. It's also done as a "cold read" so there's stumbling here and there, and also I try to do different character voices so there's a lot of hilarity at my terrible accents, although there is one argument between and older man and woman that I'm quite proud of.
the podcast is available through my mom's website: (for the first installments) and also on iTunes if you search on my name or Elizabeth Mansfield in the Podcasts category, they should come up.
I want to do more of these. I just never seem to find the energy or the time.