Jun 19, 2009 16:43
I am now jobless. Semi-retired. On sabbatical. Off for the summer. I have finished as much as humanly possible on the zombie proposal (the proposal that wouldnt' die), and turned the sweeping up over to my colleague (who I will miss and I think will miss me), and I got out of there only 2 hours later than I wanted.
I think I will spend a few days just winding down, maybe check out the new massage place that just opened up on my old commute to work ($45 for a 1 hour massage is a good price!), and do some cleaning around the house. Maybe read a bit.
There is a whole lot I can be doing around here, of course, but I think I have to just give myself a tiny bit of vacation, dammit!
In a few days, I will post some costume photos from May, and some quilt show photos from June. But not today :)
It's getting to be time for some garden photos. The squash are looking very impressive these days. There are also a lot of flowers that can be harvested and sauteed - I guess I'd better pick up some more beer.
not work,