Ahhhhhh. Taking the day off from work.

May 29, 2008 08:56

It feels good to not have any responsibilities for the day. I got up early to catch up on "paperwork" for R's business, and I plan to slog through the pile of bills later this afternoon. I did this so I can go to the local newspaper's office and get videotaped performing 3 songs for their website. I'll certainly post links to them when they go live (probably for the Summer Solstice). It's a feature for the NJ Courier-News-Tribune (or whatever they're calling themselves these days) has in their "religion and spirituality" column. The R&S editor likes to feature Pagan stuff along with the usual suspects, and he's branched out beyond the "Let's examine witchcraft at Halloween" mindset that the press normally has.

It should be fun, if I can figure out some outfit and get my warpaint makeup on so I can look vaguely presentable. I just like being able to sit here and surf the net and post things without feeling guilty about "wasting time"

I had a nice meeting with Rick from PH101, a band that I am going to be fronting, since they are looking for a new female singer. They are a progressive rock "jam band" and we like each other's music quite a bit, so I'm hoping for some fruitful collaborations down the road. They are just heading into the studio to start recording their 5th (or maybe 4th) CD. I will be singing on that, apparently. I've decided to go this route because R has really been dragging his feet about the cover band, and I'd rather just go and do something instead of nagging him and getting incredibly resentful of his band and depressed every time he has a rehearsal or a gig. It's very difficult for me not to believe he just tells me things just to shut me up. But I understand the difficulty he's having finding players that he wants to work with - he's gone through 5 bass players in his metal band in the past 3 years. And, while I might enjoy playing covers with him and his friends, the whole bar scene for classic rock bands is just sucky. I am not really anxious to play till 1 or 2 AM, and drag my butt home at 3 or 4 AM for a lousy 100 bucks if I'm lucky. Bar owners are notoriously cheap bastards.

Well, off to rip some CDs and have breakfast and get ready for this thing this afternoon...

Update: Crap! Apparently there is real news going on (a big drug bust, according to rumors) and there aren't enough staff to do the "Faith Cafe" today. I've been canceled :(

This just goes to show (a) don't plan ANYTHING for a mercury retrograde period and (2) don't take unpaid days off work for this kind of promotion.

And I had just put my "face" on, too. Damn.

video shoot, ramble, music, paganism, promotion, music for the goddess, day off work, ph101

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