Feb 21, 2008 23:51
Well did laundry..and even had the energy to clean up this dump.yay! (well not totally)
I am noticing my Parkinson's more lately, it's a vicious cycle. I get stressed and my symptoms increase, then I get MORE stressed. I have noticed my right hand motor skills are disappearing, little things like I can't write. Seriously, without this old computer I'd be totally frustrated. I correspond totally through e mail or word processing all letters , envelopes, labels. I can hardly sign my name,funny. I used to be proud of my penmanship. It's hard to wrap around your mind that it's slowly degenerating. It's still subtle changes, but they build. I realized the other day that I was in sort of a denial mode, because I said to a friend, "I am using my cane a lot more but I don't think my walking looks much different," and she said "Oh, it's definitely different." I was sort of surprised. Odd, sometimes you look in the mirror and don't see yourself like others do. For instance, I honestly didn't "see" that an interesting grey/white streak was developing right smack dab on the right side of the part on my head, right in Front untill someone mentioned it. It's subtle, but it's right in front, and I have long, dark brown hair and it didn''t grow overnight! Lord only knows whats going on on the back of my head!!!!!!!!
I don't mind the color in my hair at all, what I MIND is not noticing what is going on with me. I also get irritated at the progression of this disease. I guess that's normal. It sucks though. Sometimes whe my meds peak, I think "wow I feel almost normal!" Kind of sad, I never wanted to be "normal" if you catch my drift.
Hey, that means I am "special." yaaaaaaay ;o)