Jun 13, 2007 11:44
Well, I do but it would probably bore your asses off. I am waiting for laundry to dry so I can get out of the house. We have a "laundry room" at the end of the building that has one superwasher and one superdryer. It's kind of of magical when I go in there and there aren't anyones musty clothes wafting mustily forgotten dingy underpants and socks that some guy mixed joyfully together with something (usually red) that leached onto his boxers. Its bad enought that I have to put my laundry in their skeevy old washer...
This laundry room is about 12'X14' and containsnot only the aforementioned macines, but a sink, the entire hot water system and what looks to be an airconditioning system and 4 large bicycles, which is funny because we all have big noisy indvidual air conditioning and heater units . HOWEVER, it's a buck a wash anda buck a dry, and they really work well. This room is NOT airconditioned and goes up to about 130degrees farenheit 80% humidity (at least) With all the drawbacks, it is still better t han going and sitting in the freaking EXPENSIVE and trying to avoid conversations of the nutballs in there. Now, I am a nutball too, don't get all huffy, I just happen to be the kind that doesn't much like to talk to laundomat nutballs. They're either tourists who are bubbling to tell anyone about how great Florida is, and what a great vacation they're having and Disney yaddayaddayadda.
Then there's the laundry ladies who go so often they've practically named their machines and get all huffy if you don't want to discuss freaking soap and water softener and actually LIKE the laundromat because apparently thy don't get out much.
Occasionally there will be and old guy who's trolling whilst his undies dry, and when everything is done, jams it all , which explains their clean, but rumpled look.. They often have a book or newspaper and will segue into conversation by asking you if "you have read so and so."
Well, I am a lot fussier about men than I used to be and the thought of me hooking up with some guy without a washer and dryer does not appeal to me. Believe me , I am so fussy about guys, I am not sure at all if I ever want one again. What I want just doesn't exist, I am getting used to the idea, though.
Cool, now my clothes are probably dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wrote a whole lot about nothing! coooooooooooooooooooooooool