Mar 09, 2005 21:12
It seems that this post never actually made it to anyones friends page the first time... And I was kind of pissed that no one responded...blah blah blah....anyway, I'm reposting it, and the date is for sometime during spring break. thanks.
...there will be some amusement while doing it. :-)
This is a R.S.V.P. post.
I would like to gather people for a day at Laser Quest this upcoming Saturday or Sunday(edit: one during spring break), or possibly the next best date. It would be appreciated if I could have feedback from not just 1-2 persons, but just about all of you and your mothers. I would like to gather all the information I need by Sunday March 13th, ex. Date of gathering, number of people, and time that we'll be there.
Your input is helpful, and of course this is a no-holds grudge thing, I really don't care who comes, so invite whomever you seem fit.
Thanks. ^_^