Feb 10, 2008 19:14
New Years Resolutions
Keep track of my resolutions
Make a resolution for each month
End the year with $5,000 in my savings acct.
Open a Roth IRA (or start the 401K)
Go Horseback Riding
Go to Blues Alley/a jazz club
Go to the National Zoo
See at least 3 rock concerts
See at least 3 classical concerts
Not date anyone younger than me (besides Brad).
Stand up for myself more
Get the things I want in life
Stand by my convictions
Get myself back to being fit and fabulous
Learn the entire history of my favorite Franchise, the Yankees
See at least one last game at Yankee Stadium
Go to some Yankees games
See at least one Giants game
Go to a museum January Natural History Museum
Take a vacation
Spend more time with the Fam
Be genuinely happy and excited for all of my friends getting married and engagedJanuary Amber, check. Laning, check
Start paying back my Dad
See the wild ponies on Assateague
Go to Medieval Times
Attend Mass more frequently
Work on keeping my room more clean
Be more financially responsible (not have stupid expenses)
Be less of an Enabler
Be more willing to get my paperwork done at home
Buy a vacuum cleaner
Have an adult set of keys (lose the lanyard and the hundred keychains)
Sell/Donate my old Volvo
Sort out my receipts for my taxes
Keep my receipts more organized
Find 5 new things to love about Old Town Alexandria.January The Torpedo Factory/Waterfront
Hang up wall decorations in my office
Remain with Broadview (unless my boss leaves)
Make plans to buy a house/ look at mortgages
Trade in my current Volvo for a new car
Go on a picnic
Visit Baltimore
Take a trip to NYC
Take a trip to Boston and visit Roommate and TDorf
Take a trip to the West Coast
Throw a wine and cheese/ cocktail party
Plant a garden
Put up shelves/artwork in the living room
Back up my files
Play my violin
Play my clarinet
Start sketching again
Eat more cornflakes and less breakfast sandwiches
Drink more water and not vitamin water/drinks
Continue buying fewer dvds January No dvds
Be less dramatic
Make 5 new friends
Spend more time with the people I care about
Stay in touch/get back in touch with old friends
January Hit my work quota and be prepared for February On January 31st, I brought in the last $340 to put me over my quota and I currently have some things in the funnel
February Have a wonderful Valentines Day