Jun 03, 2009 22:18
because i'm sick =(
i must have caught something from one of the clinics we visited. i am super vulnerable right now, so it's a big possibility. basically my throat started hurting tonight and at around 5:45 i started to fall asleep in the chair, so my aunt asked if i had taken a nap today and i thought it was probably a good idea to do that.
i set an alarm for 8 bc my dad was getting an award for working for the district for so long and i really wanted to congratulate him when he got home. i woke up from my alarm and felt HORRIBLE. i promptly fell back asleep for another hour. when i woke up again, my entire body hurt and i was really dizzy. i still feel like i have a fever.
so that's the bad news of today.
the good news is that i FINALLY got the clinic stuff done (its a really long story at this point, but basically the hospital is making me apply for this county health program as one of the requisites for qualifying for their charitable assistance program). i never want to go to those places again if i can help it.
also, Adam came over to visit today and that made me super happy. He's leaving in like 18 days for 6 mos, plus it's finals week, so I was really happy he made it out =) After emma wouldn't leave him alone, we decided to go for a walk to starbucks through the greenbelt and it was pretty. I think it took a long time because by the time we got back it was almost time for him to leave again. but i think he's coming to visit me again on Sunday (talking to him right now, actually), so it would be great to see him again.
Tams also texted me to confirm our coffee plans for Friday, so I'm getting really lucky on the friend front recently.
Definitely a lot to smile about.
Now lets just hope i don't have swine flu =)