Jan 30, 2008 07:19
Ah... watching Arte at 6am (time flies by so fast when watching Arte that it's already 7 something) because I'm not sleeping... It just reminds me of the good old times. Good but very very old times indeed.
Currently watching a documentary called im Hause Chanel. At some point they showed an old lady, in the middle of a farm courtyard, in the middle of Nowhere in France (you know that region where all the French farmers come from). She is supposably the last craftwoman in France who can still master the ancient art of passementerie, and she has been doing it since 1947 and uses technics only known by herself, so Chanel sends her some pieces of their next collection on a regular basis, and she does her magic tricks on them. That's for the context.
When the delivery guy (who looks like a retired body guard) arrives with the sealed bag, which content he's not supposed to know, to pass it on to the lady, she grins at the camera and says grumpily that they shouldn't expect her to start working now because it will rain the following day in the afternoon so hay has to be stored NOW, it's top priority above everything else, hay is more important that Chanel, no matter what. That made me smile.
Then we find her in a field, picking up hay as if it weighed nothing, grumpily commenting on how she's not young anymore and bla bla bla. She adds that it's a good thing that she's not young otherwise she wouldn't have known miss Chanel. She ends that statement by saying that "fewer and fewer are the people still alive who knew Napoleon". I don't know if it was because it was 6 something am or what, but I just broke into a fit of giggles.
It's not an official French expression, I'm definitely sure of that. And that good old Napoleon died in the 1800's (just checked, he died in 1821), so what year was she thinking we were in when she said that???