Читаю англовики про разборки между новоиспечёнными мусульманами в 7 веке. Нашёл замечательную историю. Над историей висит плашка multiple issues (в том числе проблема с источниками), но, как говорится, se non è vero, è ben trovato.
отсюда с купюрами (иначе просто очень длинно).
Uthman Ibn Affan, third caliph, was being sieged by several rioters for several reasons, chief of these was making his kin, Banu Umayya, governors of key Islamic provinces...
On the first Friday after the siege, Uthman addressed the congregation in the mosque. ... All the allegations that had been levelled against him had been duly explained by him and shown to be false. He had expressed his readiness to solve the legitimate grievances of the people, if any. He observed that under the circumstances it was uncharitable on the part of some persons to create disturbances in Mecca. ... He wanted the people to be afraid of God and not to indulge in activities subversive of Islam. He pointed out that the foreign powers smarting under their defeat inflicted by the Muslim arms had sponsored some conspiracies to subvert Islam. He warned the people not to play in the hands of the enemies of Islam. He appealed to the rebels to retire from Madina. He wanted the people of Madina to support the cause of truth and justice and withhold their support from the rebels bent on mischief.