theres no other way

Apr 19, 2010 17:43

Который день плющит. А вот в тайный смысл текста вникнуть не могу.
Никто не поможет из знатоков, так сказать?

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You're taking the fun
Out of everything
Making me run
When I dont want to think
You're taking the fun
Out of everything
I don't want to think at all
There's no other way
There's no other way
All that you can do
Is watch them play
You're taking the fun
Out of everything
You're making it clear
When I don't want to think
You're taking me up when
I dont want to go up anymore
I'm just watching it all
There's no other way
There's no other way
All that you can do
Is watch them play
I'll watch you play 

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