Last night,
bethje and I walked the entire length of the boardwalk in Coney Island. That was pretty exhausting, and we still had to take the subway and bus back home. I'm still tired out from doing that. Honestly, my feet started hurting pretty soon into the walk. I'm totally out of shape.
The most recent Futurama episode bugged me because Mars was supposed to have been destroyed back in "A Farewell to Arms." Was this one supposed to take place prior to that one, or are we supposed to disregard what happened in the earlier show? Either way, it was rather confusing and sloppy. The story was pretty good, with some fun bits involving Dr. Zoidberg and the Robot Mafia, but the lack of continuity really bothered me.
It seems that all my dreams these days are either about moving or about being back in school and having missed classes. I'm always trying to look up my grades on a computer, only to have something go wrong. Actually, computers are always malfunctioning in my dreams, even if all I'm trying to do is play a game. I did have one recent dream about being at an Oz convention and there being a tray of tasty-looking desserts, though, so that's something.
Finally, here are some links to check out:
Speed Demos Archive - I'm pretty sure I linked to this before, but Beth was looking at some of these yesterday, and they are pretty addicting. I can only imagine how much skill and practice it would take to make all those jumps and such without even hesitating.
MYth - Manga-style comics based on Greek mythology
The Muppets in Thor - An amusing crossover with Kermit claiming the power of Thor, and a rather melancholy ending
Darrell Spradlyn's Oz gallery - Includes some more obscure characters, and while most are in a style similar to John R. Neill's, he also does a few in anime style.