
May 26, 2010 00:04

  • 13:54 Mooj, the villain from "Ojo in Oz" #
  • 17:17 My phone keeps trying to suggest that my wife and mother-in-law are the same person. Disturbing. #
  • 17:45 @ miscellaneaarts I try not to, but sometimes I can't help it. #
  • 17:55 @ JaredofMo Well, they DO have the same name, but @NowIsStrange goes by Beth, and her mom by Betty. #
  • 17:57 Does anyone know how @RachelFlotard's last name is pronounced? #
  • 18:58 My post in memory of Martin Gardner #
  • 20:13 Crystal Bowersox and her dad are such hippies. #
  • 20:42 @ Clamanity Because you're getting Sun Chips and Skittles? #
  • 20:42 Saying someone sounds commercial is not a compliment, American Idol judges. #
  • 20:43 @ huggythuggy - Tavie, Ash Wednesday was months ago! #
  • 22:03 I just realized that @ladygaga's bubble dress reminds me of the grape guy from Fruit of the Loom. #
  • 22:57 Is "boobsurfing" an actual thing? #
  • 23:18 Hey, colleges, a good number of your graduates these days don't have jobs. Maybe you should ease up on asking us for money. #
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