
Nov 08, 2009 00:06

  • 02:32 In Carrie Prejean's sex tape, is she having gay sex or opposite sex? #
  • 12:44 Why will my standard view for Gmail not load? #
  • 12:58 @ bohemea Adding "hooray" to the end can make even the most mundane of accomplishments sound awesome. #
  • 13:56 Photo: #
  • 14:19 @ miscellaneaarts While I can see the point, putting computer chips into living animals seems a little creepy to me. #
  • 14:21 @3x1minus1 Hey, you've always been ahead of the trends! Good luck. #
  • 14:26 Photo: dariuswhiteplume: #
  • 17:05 @ MikeConway Well, it's cheaper than paying for actual children, isn't it? #
  • 17:06 I love how some people have reported seeing Internet reviews of the "Land of Oz" comic by people who've never read the book. #
  • 17:07 It's hard to imagine not already knowing what happened to Tip. #
  • 17:09 @ Clamanity So Oprah won th
    e Emmys? #
  • 17:09 My wife's cousin's girlfriend apparently thought "Paranormal Activity" was real. #
  • 18:36 @ TrixieTreats Ah, phonophilia, the love that dare not speak its name. {g} #
  • 18:39 Is there any reason behind Doc Brown discovering time travel on Guy Fawkes Day? #
  • 18:43 Photo: Fred Phelps and his kin are at it again! friendlyatheist: Why am I not surprised? WBC: the 4chan of... #
  • 18:47 @ kasian Nice Badtz-Maru pillowcase. #
  • 23:00 @ alyankovic - Wow, two of my musical heroes, together at last! #
  • 23:33 Photo: Two of my musical heroes together! #
  • 23:47 I don't think I'll ever understand people who add me on LiveJournal out of nowhere, and then remove me a few months later. #
  • 23:48 I used to unfriend all the people who unfriended me, but then I stopped bothering. Not sure if it would make sense to clean up my list again #
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