I'm thinking I might want to do some kind of ongoing series of posts, but I'm always afraid that kind of thing will bore people. Yeah, I know it's my journal and I can write what I want, but when I write something kind of involved and no one seems interested, I feel like it was somewhat of a waste. So I'm going to ask for your input on a few ideas I've had recently. I've actually brought a few of them up before, but I'm going to mention them again. So there.
1. Reminiscence on stuff I wrote when I was a kid, especially my space stories from late elementary school. I don't know where most of them are, and the ones that I DO know about are in storage, but I can remember quite a bit.
2. Ongoing TV reviews. Right now, I'd probably want to do that with Captain N, since I just got the DVD set, but there are other old shows I might want to do that with. The Mario cartoons, for instance. What can I say? Nintendo-based cartoons were an important part of my childhood.
3. Along the same lines, reviews of old albums. I try to say a bit (or sometimes a lot) about new albums I get, but it might be fun to go back and examine old ones. I think looking back at
They Might Be Giants and
XTC albums would be fun.
4. Reviews of the traditional Oz books. Actually, I think it would be interesting to do this as a video series, but I don't have a webcam. It can't cost that much to get one nowadays, though, can it?
5. Something to do with mythology. I haven't really thought this one out too much, but maybe a Myth of the Week, or Mythological Character of the Week, or something like that.
Would any of you be interested in any of those things? If so, vote in this poll!
Poll Possible Post Series